Space Harmonics bring light into your Property! 


What is house harmonization?

House harmonization is the energetic harmonization of living and working areas. Stressful sources of interference are removed or energetically transformed. In this way, new, light-filled energies can stream in, forming a light-protective space and strengthening you.

We do house harmonization with Litios light crystals and light diamonds. Since all light crystals are connected to angels, masters and other beings of light, you invite them all into your home. Is there anything nicer than treating yourself to light-flooded living spaces?

You usually spend most of the day at home and at work. Your sleeping place is also important, which should bring regeneration for you. The energies that prevail in these places are constantly pouring into you. With angels and light crystals you can create a light-flooded and strengthening environment in all rooms! 

What is the use of house harmonization?

If you stay in energetically low vibrating spaces for a long time, such influences can weaken you and you no longer have enough energy to cope with the daily challenges and to progress in your spiritual development.

The following applies: If your environment has a protective, strengthening and luminous effect on you, you are full of energy and can master your life!

Many people feel the advantages of house harmonization very clearly! With the light crystals, low-vibrating geopathic, technical and spiritual energies can be harmonized, which means well-being for the soul and body. Angels and Ascended Masters establish a light shelter for your home. So you are strengthened, safe day and night and surrounded by angelic energies.

We have specialized in particular in energetically harmonizing these negative influences:

  • Electrosmog (unnatural technical radiation) by e.g. B. electrical lines, household appliances, radios

  • Geopathic sources of interference: water veins, rock fractures/earth faults, radiation from grids (Curry grid, Hartmann grid, Benker grid or Benker cube system)

  • Sources of mental interference: Beings, radiation from fields of consciousness and other negative energies that have access to this place for various reasons

We use the light crystals and light diamonds in house harmonization for the following:

  • They harmonize technical, mental and geopathic sources of interference

  • They energize water, beverages and food

  • They flood aura, rooms and buildings with light energies and set up a light shelter

  • The Gate of Ascension establishes a powerful channel into the higher dimensions of light

How can you do a house harmonization?

Get professional advice from our experienced Space Harmonics Specialist! They will be happy to help you find the sources of interference and the optimal harmonization in your home! 

Experience the purification and harmonization of your environment. Gain regeneration and well-being for you and your loved ones.


With your conviction and a wifi connection you will:


Induce a profound feeling of relaxation, peace & ease

Reduce pain and relish in your bodies power

Access presence to enjoy every moment

Boost your brain function and accomplish your goals

Improve sleep to fully rest and refresh your being

Invest in yourself daily to improve your productivity when you need it


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