Building the Foundation of Open Source Health

At Brain Mechanics, we believe every human has the right to live a life filled with health, peace and love. Our programs and techniques give you the tools you need to achieve optimal physical, mental and emotional wellbeing and our blog gives you insight into the research, neuroscience, technologies that are advancing the holistic wellness space.

Join us on this journey of discovery - It’s time to live the life you desire and deserve.

Alzheimer Karim Delgado Alzheimer Karim Delgado

GET YOU SOME! (Some chocolate for good health that is)

So turns out my chocolate cravings where actually me being healthy & I can back it up by real science! No seriously a small clinical trial just shows that dark chocolate consumption increases neuroplasticity, improves memory and mood, reduces stress and inflammation to go along with past findings of it fighting free radicals, preventing heart...

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Alzheimer Karim Delgado Alzheimer Karim Delgado

Get your Sweat ON to keep Alzheimer’s at bay

When your body's core temperature after a certain time threshold, your body produces heat shock proteins (HSP). A recent NIH Study, showed that HSPs are activated as part of the body's hormetic response to heat stress either from physical activity or sauna or other modalities of heat exposure. In the brain, heat shock proteins prevent...

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Alzheimer Karim Delgado Alzheimer Karim Delgado

A little Green tea a day (or some carrots) could help keep Alzheimer’s away

A recent study showed that a diet containing compounds found in carrots (ferulic acid) & green tea (EGCG) reversed Alzheimer’s-like symptoms in mice genetically programmed to develop the disease. Some of the mechanisms improving cognitive function by these compounds is their ability to prevent amyloid beta plaques from forming in the brain, reduce neuroinflammation and...

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Karim Delgado Karim Delgado

The Magic of XAI

We are living in the world where mentioning AI scares most people right away - decades of primitive and silly fiction, depicting horrors of "robots taking over humanity" built yet another solid foundation for moral panic, whenever machine smartness is mentioned. However, should we really be worried? And why? Think about it this way -...

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Karim Delgado Karim Delgado

Living Shadows

IoT has a classic concept of "shadows" - that is, a last known state of any device, as recorded. Same as the light of the long gone stars, a device may not even exist anymore - but its shadow would be there, in the system of records. This is a great concept for anything lacking...

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